Courageous Dialogues

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Desire and Grit

Today I was reminded of one of my proudest moments in life, my Masters graduation.  

After entering education as a mature age student, many stops and starts, working full-time and with young children I never thought I’d actually complete my masters. 

There were many years of sleepless nights, gruelling years of research and coursework as well as balancing everyday life. It was tough and I did pull out at one stage throwing the towel in. But after a bit I’d miss reading for a purpose so I paced myself over the maximum amount of time allowed to complete it, not ever thinking I would.

This was my first graduation ceremony as I didn’t have time or the energy to attend the previous ones and to be honest I didn’t need to work particularly hard for them. But when my masters came to a completion I was stunned that I had actually got to the end and I was proud so I took the gown and hat and celebrated with my family, my children, husband and parents.

A timely reminder that life does not need to be linear and those proud moments are made up of hard-work and determination. I am a firm believer that you can start from anywhere if you just have the desire and the grit to go for it, even if it is slow with stops and starts.

I’d love to hear about your proudest moment and what made it so. This one was one of mine.

Monash University, Clayton, Australia.